BBS can make sure your business is properly licensed to conduct business in each city, county and state where you are operating. In most cities and states, businesses (whether a sole proprietorship or an incorporated business) need licenses and/or permits to operate and comply with government mandates for safety, soundness and tax. There are many federal, state, local and even regional requirements that may apply to your business. Often, you may not be aware of certain required licenses for your business, yet you can be held liable for the payment of fines and penalties for every period that your business was operating without a valid license. BBS’s experienced professionals can ensure that your business has the right licenses in the right jurisdictions so that you are fully in compliance of all laws and regulations.
Why it’s important
Governmental agencies in various local, state, and federal jurisdiction have a variety of licensing requirements to ensure that businesses are conducting operations in a legitimate, honest and proper way with the proper credentials, skills and capabilities. Companies that fail to comply with license and permit requirements can be levied with pricey penalties or even shut down and leave business owners with little or no legal protection. These requirements vary company type, industry, and depend on how business is transacted and where the business is located.
Features & benefits
BBS can help make sure your business is staying on top of your licensing requirements. We research the state and local licensing requirements for your business type and location, covering:
Business permits and licenses (general, specialty, industrial, and regulated businesses)
Tax licenses and registrations (sales and use tax, withholding tax, etc.)
The information and package we deliver to you includes:
Filing instructions if you wish to file it yourself, so you can easily get your licenses, permits and tax registrations, or we can complete all the applications get your signature and file them for you.
Customized reports detailing all unique federal, state, local and municipal license and permit needs
Comprehensive explanation and overview of state and local licenses, permits and tax registrations relevant to your unique business
Complete documentation on the various licensing authority’s contact information and requirements
Each required license, permit and tax registration applications and other necessary documents